SECURITY         Play this song



(M. Alchin – 1991 - © Reasonable Songs)


Someone's taken what you said and twisted it around

'til it made no sense to anyone

Same time someone got away with anything around

Still it made no sense to anyone


When you were away nobody took it over

And all your things remained the way they were


Sometimes inspiration finds somebody that it suits

And bestows itself on whoever that may be

And the character of old comes creeping up behind

And he joins whoever's closest to him for security


I'll make overtures to this if you'll score for me

'til the piece is working overtime

And assumption that it's good is undermining

Should still make it through to evening time


When you were away nobody took it over

And all your things remained the way they were


Sometimes inspiration finds somebody that it suits

And bestows itself on whoever that may be

And the character of old comes creeping up behind

And he joins whoever's closest to him for security


To your detriment, looking through the book of chance

May your sentiment echo through the photograph

that you carry through trouble and happiness


Sometimes inspiration finds somebody that it suits

And bestows itself on whoever that may be

And the character of old comes creeping up behind

And he joins whoever's closest to him for security


My guess is sometime soon you'll lose that photograph

And develop a mind of your own

By then I guess you'll have the negativity that I predicted all along

For security

For security